I first met engraving at a vocational school, and fortunately gained experience as an engraver. However, meme started in the 10th year after all preparations and experiences from that thought. For the first time, I was able to realize that all of the past works that I warmed up and all the past experiences that seemed useless were utilized here. Works born with the joy and hope of being able to start creating freely.
Art Work
世界中で縁起が良いとされる蝶。キリスト教では「復活」、仏教では「輪廻転生」を表し新しい自分になる 美しく(強く)変化する、インディアンは「変化」と「喜び」の象徴 願いを部族の神様に伝える使者、中国のミャオ族の神話にも万物の創造者として蝶が洗荒れます。更に、日本では「ちょう」という音が「丁」(整った数・偶数)「長」(秀でる)とも重なり吉祥文様として婚礼にも多く用いられています。そんな蝶に幸せの想いを乗せて生まれた愛芽の幸せを運ぶ蝶…
Butterflies are said to be good luck around the world. In Christianity, "rebirth", in Buddhism, "reincarnation" and become a new self. Beautifully (strongly) changing, Indians are a symbol of "change" and "joy". In the myth of, butterflies are washed away as creators of all things. Furthermore, in Japan, the sound of "butterfly" overlaps with "cho" (ordered number / even number) and "cho" (excellent), and is often used in weddings as a lucky pattern. With the feeling of happiness in such a butterfly…

1999~2009Creative jewelry
